Give and Receive Unconditional LOVE
Giving Unconditional Love is the most wonderful gift that anyone can give, or receive. However, before one can give to another this greatest of all gifts, they must give it to themselves first. It is only when one is full of Unconditional Love themselves, that one has the ability to share Unconditional Love with another. If one doesn't Love themselves Unconditionally, then the spiritual energies of Unconditional Love are not even flowing within them. A person who doesn't Love themselves Unconditionally can only give to others the highest spiritual energies flowing within them, the energies of Conditional Love. It is only when a person truly and Unconditionally Love's themselves, that there are sufficient quantities of Unconditional Love flowing within that person's spiritual energy fields, to be shared with another person. The personal energy fields which surround one's physical body at this dimensional level are in the geometric shape of a Star Tetrahedron. The Star of David is another term used to describe this particular type of geometric energy field. Around every human body are fields of energies which contain one's complete consciousness. One's complete consciousness is larger than a human body. A human consciousness is so large that it actually needs the 6 feet of spiritual energy fields which surround one's physical body. The complete consciousness of a person, their spiritual energy fields, is what is referred to in ancient Christian scriptures as "Spirit". Now, when one fills their Spirit, or spiritual energy fields, with the energies of Unconditional Love, then the incredibly powerful energies of Unconditional Love can be shared with others. When Unconditional Love fills one's consciousness, one enters a state of consciousness within Unconditional Love. In this state of consciousness, one Loves everyone, and it is only at this level of consciousness where Unconditional Love will flow naturally to others. When one has completely filled their spiritual energy fields with Unconditional Love, then one is directly accessing the Unconditional Love state of consciousness. At this level of consciousness the magnificent energies of Unconditional Love can be directed to flow easily from one's own personal energy fields to the spiritual energy fields of others, or from one's "Spirit" to the "Spirit", or consciousness fields of others. Unconditional Love means Pure Love without any conditions. Unconditional Love is a Love so Pure that Love remains regardless of what another person does or does not do. In the Unconditional Love state of consciousness, one Loves everyone Unconditionally without regard to the actions or inactions of others. At this level of consciousness, there is a complete understanding that one is only responsible for one's own actions, one is not responsible for the actions of others. Now Unconditional Love does not mean that you are perfect, for only the One God, Mother Father Creator God of All That Is, is perfect. In addition, you can Unconditionally Love a person, but because that person exudes unbalanced emotional energies, you may not want to be around that person. You can Unconditionally Love them, even though you may want to keep your physical presence away from them and other such emotionally and/or mentally unbalanced people. A person in Unconditional Love can also set boundaries and not lessen their Unconditional Love for others. For example, there is a portion of the Unconditional Love consciousness which creates a bond between parents and children through their DNA. Now, parents may need to set boundaries for their children, but that does not lessen the Unconditional Love they have for one another. At times of crisis or tragedy, it is always Unconditional Love which binds a family together.
People search outside themselves for Salvation, yet all one has to do is to Love one's self Unconditionally and Salvation occurs. Once you Unconditionally Love yourself, (all parts of yourself, whether physical, mental, spiritual, or financial, warts and all), then Unconditional Love will fill your spiritual energy fields and flow naturally from you to others. Great spiritual teachers have always given out techniques for accessing and infusing into people the Unconditional Love state of consciousness. These great spiritual teachers knew that one can quickly reach the Unconditional Love state of consciousness through prayers and meditations. These teachers also knew in prayer and meditation, one fully opens up their heart and thus allows the energies of Unconditional Love to fill one's self and one's spiritual energy fields. These magnificent energies of Unconditional Love will continue to flow into one's Spirit, or spiritual energy fields, for the entire length of time one uses their prayer or does their meditation. This is why prayer is an important part of every religion and spiritual path. Meditation is a longer form of prayer, which allows a meditator the opportunity to receive the energies of Unconditional Love for longer periods of time.
Daily expansions of one's spiritual energy fields, or consciousness, or Spirit with Unconditional Love is the fastest way for one to "permanently" reach the next level of consciousness where a person becomes called a saint, or an ascended master. This level of consciousness means a person has infused into themselves a "permanent" cosmic consciousness type of awareness while in their human body. Saying a person is a saint, ascended master or one in cosmic conscious awareness, means that the person has fully and "permanently" extended their 6 foot Star of David/Star Tetrahedron spiritual energy fields, outward around their physical body nine fold, to the 55 foot completion size. Another way of saying this is that a person would ascend or graduate from this level of existence to the next level of reality by fully expanding their consciousness, which at the 3rd dimensional level is around 6 feet wide, outward to the 55 foot completion size. At the 55 foot size one has conscious entry into the 4th dimensional level of reality at all times. One is literally "Walking Between Worlds" as their physical body remains in the 3rd dimension and their consciousness is fully activated on both the 3rd dimensional level of reality and the 4th dimensional level. This Personal Ascension to the next level of reality occurs when one's daily 55 foot expansion of Spirit, or consciousness, becomes "permanent" while they remain in a human physical body. To maintain a 4th dimensional level of consciousness while in a human body requires one to daily fill all 55 feet of their spiritual energy fields with Unconditional Love; cleanse themselves of all karma, (or "trespasses"); balance their emotional and mental energy fields; and cleanse energy centers (chakras) in their physical body. This work is done through one's daily periods of prayer and/or meditation. Upon fully extending one's spiritual energy fields, or expanding one's consciousness, or Spirit, with Unconditional Love, one graduates, or ascends, from this level of reality to the next level of existence in God's Creation. However, even a saint or ascended master must continue their daily spiritual work in order to maintain their "permanent" ascension or graduation status while in a human body, or else their consciousness will shrink back to their former 3rd dimensional level of reality.
Our next level of reality is the 4th dimension. This is the dimensional level in Creation which was called "Heaven" by the early Christians. "Purgatory" is your time between lifetimes. Now a person graduating from this 3rd dimensional level of reality went to Heaven, or in other words, ascended to the 4th dimensional level in Creation. The Octahedron is the geometric shape of one's spiritual energy fields in the 4th dimensional level of reality, (just as the Star of David/Star Tetrahedron is the geometric shape of the spiritual energy fields which surround one's body at our current 3rd dimensional level). Ancient Christians had all of this information because Christ taught from the saint or ascended master level of consciousness. He used many analogies so more people would understand his overall message. And as more people read his words with an open mind, the more they will understand. Christ also taught that one should activate and fill both their Star of David/Star Tetrahedron and their Octahedral energy fields, because this was the fastest way to return to the One God. This is one reason why the Octahedron is found throughout the magnificent ancient Christian cathedrals in Europe.
Great Christian saints and sages, who have graduated over the years from this dimensional level of reality, have followed the Christian path of prayer, service to others and Unconditional Love. Deep and sincere prayers by these saints and sages, each day to Mother Father Creator God of All That Is and to Jesus the Christ were answered, everyday. Their daily prayers when repeated with an open heart and said in "childlike devotion", infused a flow of Unconditional Love into their physical bodies, spiritual energy fields and Spirit as explained in "The Gospel of Mary", written 1,900 years ago. These saints and sages knew the more they prayed, the more Unconditional Love would be infused into themselves and their Spirit, or spiritual energy fields. It was their devotional prayers which infused and filled their Spirit, or spiritual energy fields, or consciousness with the highest of all spiritual energies, Unconditional Love. Such sincere devotions repeated on a daily basis fully expanded their spiritual energy fields nine fold from 6 feet to 55 feet. Their Personal Ascensions to Heaven were accomplished by daily prayers and meditations; constant cleansing themselves of any karma or "trespasses" by saying the "Lord's Prayer"; by always giving thanks for all of their "Blessons" in life, (the Blessings and the Lessons); and having a sincere understanding of the truths and power contained in the statements, "Let Thy Will Be Done" and "The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways".
The saints, prophets, sages and graduates of other religions and spiritual paths also use prayer and/or meditation in their own ways to infuse Unconditional Love into their own personal spiritual energy fields. The infusion of Unconditional Love into one's energy fields, which envelope the physical body, continues until one's spiritual energy fields are fully expanded from 6 feet to 55 feet, and glow with a Golden Light. This expansion creates the halo effect that can be seen in most ancient religious pictures and even in some old photographs. People in spiritual groups like those involved in the Sacred Merkaba Techniques or Transcendental Meditation, use meditation as a long form of prayer. They use meditation to quickly infuse the most powerful of all spiritual energies, the energies of Unconditional Love, into their energy fields over longer periods of time. One's meditations can last from a few minutes or hours each day, up to the 24 hours a day of "unceasing prayer" created by the daily activations of one's spiritual energy fields, or Spirit, into Merkabas.
Unconditional Love can also be used to bring people together. Everyone believes in One God. People throughout our world pray to One God in their own way. Many who pray to the One God, also pray to the spiritual teachers who were sent to them by the One God. Prayers to Mother Father Creator God of All That Is immediately infuse the energies of Unconditional Love into the consciousness or spiritual energy fields of the person praying. In addition, prayers to a person's spiritual teacher will also infuse Unconditional Love into a person's Spirit, or consciousness, or spiritual energy fields.
Since we all agree there is One God, can we agree to be tolerant of each other's spiritual teachers? With everyone agreeing to One God, can we also agree to be tolerant of each other's spiritual practices, since everyone prays to One God? With agreement of One God, can we also be tolerant of the physical locations for the spiritual practices of others, since their spiritual practices include praying to One God? Understand, God sends so many spiritual teachers because humanity is so culturally diverse. If humanity were all the same in their physical bodies, emotional energies and mental abilities, then one teacher would have been sufficient long ago. Thus, God has sent over time, many spiritual teachers to various diverse locations throughout our world to help humanity in different ways based upon their various cultural heritages. True spiritual teachers are known by the fact that they always teach there is the One God. These spiritual teachers also explain the benefits of receiving Unconditional Love by praying to the One God. They also show people how to use the energies contained within Unconditional Love to assist them in their Personal Ascension Process.
Understanding that everything begins within, if each of us can become more focused this holiday season on Unconditional Love and become more tolerant of others, then World Peace can occur. Remember, one is responsible for their own actions, not the actions of others. So the choice, as always is up to each of us. Much in the way of spiritual wonders can quickly occur for all humanity, if we all can become more tolerant of each others spiritual paths. Let us all pray and meditate this holiday season in our own way, to the One God. Let us all remember the words of our spiritual teachers and demonstrate with actions, not just words, the Unconditional Love state of consciousness. If a person is rude or angry to you this holiday season or if a friend starts spreading mistruths and misinformation about you, how will you react? If you get upset or angry at either, you are not living in Unconditional Love. If you say "Thanks" to the One God for the Blesson, or spiritual exercise, and then separate yourself completely from the other person and move on with your life, you are in Unconditional Love.
In Unconditional Love, we all win. This holiday season, let us all join together in agreement of One God and become tolerant of each other's spiritual choices. At the moment we join together, current and ancient conflicts relating to religious differences can be eliminated. Once religious differences are eliminated, the Golden Age of Humanity can unfold for everyone. It is in harmony and togetherness that all problems of humanity can be quickly and easily eliminated. It is by humanity working in harmony with one another, that all things are possible.
And so it is time for all of us, regardless of our personal spiritual beliefs, to show with deeds, not just words, the true meaning of spirituality during this holiday season. Throughout this holiday season, if each of us uses the time in their daily bath or shower to constantly repeat a prayer of their choice, then each of us will receive Unconditional Love every day while we are bathing during this entire holiday season. In addition, if each one of us also repeats their personal prayer while traveling or driving to work, school or shopping during the holiday season, then even more Unconditional Love will become infused into our Spirit or personal spiritual energy fields. By spending a little more time this holiday season infusing Unconditional Love into ourselves, World Peace and other wonders become possible. It is by spending a few extra minutes each day in prayer, instead of just letting our minds wander over past or possible future events, that we can become the person we have always wanted to be, this holiday season. It is the infusion of Unconditional Love into oneself and one's spiritual energy fields, which allows one to give the greatest of all gifts to another, the sincere gift of Pure Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love must flow naturally to be given to another. The only time Unconditional Love flows naturally, is when it flows from a person who lives their life in the Unconditional Love state of consciousness.
All prayers done in open "childlike" devotion are heard and answered by the One God. A daily prayer is answered by the One God with a daily infusion of Unconditional Love. These infusions of Unconditional Love are made directly into the spiritual energy fields of the person praying. Daily prayers and meditations will infuse large quantities of Unconditional Love into one's Spirit or spiritual energy fields. These daily infusions of Love quickly lead one to the Heaven Within.
There are many prayers which people use today to infuse Unconditional Love into their spiritual energy fields, or Spirit. Below are some ancient prayers, one from each of the world's major religions. These prayers were used long ago by enlightened men and women who repeated them "unceasingly" for long periods of time. The most powerful experiences of a conscious nature seem to come from repeating these prayers for at least nine minutes without stopping, a nine minute period of "unceasing prayer".
Buddhist - "I Seek Refuge in Lord Buddha and Find Balance in All Things."
Christian - "Lord Jesus Christ, Let me be a Pure Vessel for Your Love and Light."
Hindu (Krishna) - "Lord Krishna, Surround me with Your Love This Day."
Hindu (Shiva) - "Lord Shiva, In You I Gain Strength, be with me This Day."
Islamic - "God is Great, Great is His Prophet, To God I Give my All."