A STAR LANGUAGE COMES TO EARTH Wu: A Language of Light for our present time In the evolution of all planets and life forms, there comes a time of transcendence in which a quantum leap in consciousness and form occurs. This time presently exists on Earth and is often referred to as "ascension." Ironically, amidst Earth's potential for great spiritual growth, we also see tremendous darkness as well, attempting to hinder necessary spiritual evolution; a paradoxical chaos exists. To such transitioning worlds-in-crisis comes a sacred star language called Wu. Wu came to our planet in 1995 to offer its vast resources for the transition that our own planet now faces. Wu is not a language as we know it. Rather, Wu are Divine entities who have condensed their energies into the form of sounds, which we call "words." By speaking the words, we activate their qualities. Each word accesses a certain field of energy, producing a healing power that can enter into our innermost Being, changing our life and bringing us into a greater state of spiritual wholeness. Because of its unique nature and its cosmic, vast quality, it is quite difficult to describe Wu adequately, or to explain exactly how it works. Indeed, it is much easier to experience Wu than to talk about it. However, all who have worked with this language agree that when it is used in a mindful fashion, Wu opens a doorway into another space-time dimension. This opening creates an entrance and connection point, enabling us to present our issues to universal energies, and allowing those divine energies of healing and wholeness to enter into our innermost selves. Thus, we give our intent, and invite Wu to assist us in a process of clearing and resolution. From this time forward, particularly as we continue to hold that intent within our consciousness, the Beings who are embodied as Wu begin to work with the underlying issues. They do so in a holistic and cosmic way, and from the broadest possible scope. Wu does not heal on a superficial level, rather it heals the whole person, moving through one's parallel selves, soul group, and past and future lives, clearing all hindrances to that which one desires. It works within the framework of one's holographic existence. Therefore, rather than noticing an obvious and expected result, we may instead experience an expansion and integration of our greater Self. The words that we currently have from Wu are divided into several groups. The first group is called the Heart Words. They resonate the love aspect of all creation, and activate and clear the heart within all life forms. A second group, the Earth series, resonates the elements (earth, air, fire, water) and connects us to Earth energy and to the devic and elemental realms. The largest group is called the Angelic words. This group has a cosmic, angelic, stellar energy. The Angelic words resonate to the energy of the star grids and enable us to come into tune with these grids.
Until recently, the knowledge of Wu has been kept very secret. However, like many other types of sacred knowledge, it is now time for it to be brought forth. Some have expressed a desire to hear what the words sound like, and therefore we will share the names of two of the energies from the Angelic group, namely: Ah-Ree-Ah-Nah, and Ah-Lah-Quay-Nah.
Wu is the ultimate self-empowering tool. Once you learn it, once you connect with the energy and the presence that is embodied in each word, it is with you forever. And at any time you are presented with an issue in your life, you can call Wu to your aid. If you awake in the middle of the night with your heart aching, Wu will be your friend. If you wish to step into the glory of the ascension process, Wu will be with you. Indeed, it is no accident that we are being offered this gift at a time when the possibility of ascension is offered to all of us, for these divine intelligences have a most special role to play in the ascension of individuals and groups.
At this time in history, the Wu consciousness has expressed its desire to connect with more people. It wishes its light to shine more widely, to illuminate more hearts, and to be of greater assistance to this transitioning planet and its ascending souls. Indeed, many of you may have known Wu before, and these words may cause a stirring of memories and associations for you. Therefore, we offer this information, not so much as a complete description, but as a signpost for those who are ready to know, remember, and connect. We ask that you listen within your heart, and check with your own guidance, to discern whether this particular journey of awakening is for you.
Wu is relatively simple to learn. It is now taught over the phone, in a mini-workshop of approximately one hour's length. During the workshop the words are transmitted, questions are answered, and techniques are practiced. The phone session is supported by a written booklet giving detailed information about the words, their uses, and the metaphysical implications of using Wu.
We leave you with the Wu salutation: "Ba-Tal" (joy, peace, harmony, abundance).
If you would like to invite Wu into your life, I offer the following:
1. I will mail you a 16 page condensed, detailed pamphlet describing Wu, the process through which it functions, techniques for using it, and the actual words.
2. After you receive the packet and have read it at least once (It's rather deep.), we schedule approximately an hour phone session in which we have a mini workshop. I transfer the words and pronunciation to you; we practice some of the techniques for using the words; we discuss major concepts from the pamphlet which are necessary for you to understand.
Ofcourse you can come over to do the mini workshop here.
Thank you for your interest in Wu.
To answer your questions, yes anyone can learn it; it's not difficult
Wu is used to clear the way for manifesting to occur, in yourself and in your soul group.
By "manifest" I mean that Wu clears the energetic blockages that hinder your desires from being fulfilled.
30-Words as part of the language.
Remember that this is not just a language as we know it.
It are sounds, vibrations, embodied Wu.
The language is a universal heart language, language of light, or divine
light seed syllables, sacred tones, it is also referred to as speaking in
This language is understood by the soul.
All language comes from its origin.
The small letters represent wave guides or resonant chambers in the body.
When the tones are toned in these areas the magic begins, consciousness expands,
experience is birthed.
Phone or e-mail for more info